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20 May 1868(exact), Auction/

Description (en): Source: NLW 1995 deposit: Personal and research papers of Rev G Ivor Thomas 1838-1994. Manuscript 8-14:Miscellaneous account books and ledgers relating to supplies to local public houses and including sums payable. Transcript of Auction Book 20th May 1868 Felyn y Mor Alltlwyd Farm No. Item Purchaser Purchaser details £-s-d 2 glasses Williams Excise officer 0-0-6 2 glasses Williams Excise officer 0-0-3 5 glasses John Pugh Whitehall 0-1-4 3 salt sellers John Pugh Whitehall 0-0-7 Casters John Pugh Whitehall 0-1-1 Looking glass Daniel Evans 0-1-9 Looking glass Margaret Davies Llanon 0-2-6 Jug John Pugh Whitehall 0-4-0 Jugs Rev John Davies Llanon 0-1-4 picture Margaret Davies 0-0-10 Picture Mr Rowlands Pantanamlwg 0-2-0 Picture Rev Herbert Dolau 0-3-0 Picture Rev Herbert Dolau 0-1-0 Picture Capt Evans Ceylon 0-7-9 Picture John Pugh Whitehall 0-3-6 Picture Rev Herbert Dolau 0-3-3 Picture Mary Evans Maesllyn Llanon 0-2-0 Picture Hannah Richards Panteg 0-1-3 Looking glass John Pugh Whitehall 0-6-9 Picture Rowlands Pantanamlwg 0-8-6 Picture Hannah Richard Panteg 0-2-6 American clock John Evans Spyty Hall, Llanrhystud 0-8-6 Table bar? John Pugh Whitehall 0-0-6 Round table Mr Morgan Alltlwyd 0-7-6 Square table Jane Owens Mantura, Llanon 0-3-9 Round table John Pugh Shoemaker, Llanon 0-3-6 Round table Hannah Richard Panteg 0-4-3 Round table Hannah Richard 0-3-3 Biget Rev Herbert Dolau 0-3-0 Corner cupboard Rev Herbert Dolau 0-5-6 Dressing table Capt Jones Dauntless 0-7-6 Bench or settle John Pugh Whitehall 0-10-0 Dressing table on stand John Pugh Shoemaker 0-9-0 Dressing table Capt Thomas Commercial 0-5-3 Dressing table Jame James Sellerman, Aberclydan 0-10-0 Pembroke table E Lewis Tailor, Llanon 0-11-3 Round table Mary Evans Madlen?, llanon 0-5-3 Round table Mrs Hughes Maesgwin 0-6-0 Chair Margaret Davies Portland house 0-5-3 Chair Evan Davies Cwmbach 0-3-0 Chair John Pugh Whitehall 0-3-3 Chair James James Sellerman 0-3-6 Chair W Rowlands Carog 0-3-3 Chair Mr Davis drayman 0-3-9 Chair Mr Davis Drayman 0-4-9 Chair Rev Herbert Dolau 0-3-3 Chair John Pugh Whitehall 0-3-0 Chair Enoch Michal Shoemaker, Llanrhystud 0-2-0 Chair John Evans Cooper, Aberclydan 0-3-6 Bench Luck Sayler Gamekeeper 0-2-9 Table Rev Herbert 0-4-0 Round table Mr Rowlands Carog 0-13-6 Settle John Evans Caebach 0-5-6 Settle Mr Rowlands Pantanamlwg 0-14-0 bench Jenkin Jones Tanybryn, Bethania 0-2-0 table Rev John Davies Llanon 0-2-6 Table sold again Ebenezer Lewis Tailor, Llanon 8-0 Settle John Jones Green, Llanon 0-11-0 Sofa John Pugh Shoemaker, Llanon 0-12-0 Box Morgan Jones Llandeiniol 0-8-6 Settle Mr Rowlands Pantanamlwg 0-9-6 Sofa Lewis Jones Plough, llanon 0-10-6 Sofa Mrs Rowlands Carog 0-17-0 Round table Rev John Davies Llanon 0-6-6 Square table Wm Evans Felinfawr, Llanrhystud 0-12-6 Bureau Mrs Rowlands Carog 1-13-0 Square table Rev W Herbert 0-10-0 Chest of drawers John Morgan Smith, Llanrhystud 1-4-0 Bench Evan Evans Shoemaker, Llanon 0-2-9 Chest of drawers John Evans Caibach 1-16-0 Table James James Sellerman 0-2-0 Chest of drawers Mr Rowlands Carog 1-17-0 Clock and case Alltlwyd Farm Scales Mr Hughes Maesgwin 0-2-0 Saw cross cut Mr Rowlands Carog 0-8-0 Bed steds Evan Evans Shoemaker, Llanon 2-0-0 Bed sted John Rowlands Butcher, Llanon 1-1-0 Bed sted David Evans Mason, Arthbore 1-13-0 Bed sted E Lewis Tailor, Llanon 3-3-0 Tamad? Rowlands Carog 0-2-6 Axe Evan Evans Post Office 0-1-0 Pike Rowlands Pantanamlwg 0-4-3 Tamad? Alltlwyd Farm Chair John Pugh Whitehall 0-3-3 Flock bed John Morgan Smith, Llanrhystud 0-7-6 Flock bed Margaret Jones Taihirion, Llanon 0-9-6 Pike John Pugh Whitehall 0-1-3 Pike Luke Seller Gamekeeper 0-1-0 Mattress Mr Davies Bridge end, Llanon 0-4-0 Flock bed John Pugh Whitehall 0-6-0 Mattress John Evans Cooper 0-5-0 Bed sted Dd Jones Pendre, Llanrhystud 0-13-0 Bed sted Alltlwyd Farm 0-19-0 Bed sted Dl Jones Shop, Llanon 0-1-0-0 Bed sted John Pugh Whitehall 1-0-0 Bed sted Rowlands Pantanamlwg 0-17-0 Bed cloth Williams Excise officer, Llanon 0-7-0 Bed cloth Hannah Richard Tyhen, Llanon 0-3-4 Sitcen? John Pugh Whitehall 0-2-0 Bed cloth E Thomas Alltlwyd fach 0-2-9 Bed cloth Richards Caebach 0-5-0 Bed cloth Thos Evans Meiners 0-2-2 Bed cloth Wm Davies Drayman 0-3-6 Lock John Morgan Smith, Llanrhystud 0-1-0 Box John Pugh Shoemaker, Llanon 0-2-1 Box Morgan Jones Llandeinol 0-3-9 Screws? Morgan Jones ? Screws ? ? ? Clock ? ? ? Screw cran? Morgan Evans Mason 0-5-0 Twm Dl Jones Shop, Llanon 1-10-0 Mattress Alltlwd Farm 0-15-0
Description (cy):
Places associated with this event
Llanon/Llan-non, Llannon

Pubs associated with this event
Felinfor Brewery , Heol y Mor, Llanon, Llanon

Additional information