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Alleged assault by Mary Beyston

Source: Aberystwyth Observer 09/05/1885       Date: 1885
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

ALLEGED ASSAULT. Catherine Mary Beyston, Mill-street, was summoned by Margaret Davies for assaulting and beating her, and she prayed that defendant should be bound over to keep the peace. Mr Joseph Evans appeared for defendant. The complainant said that about 9.30 on the morning of Monday week, the defendant came into the yard of her house and brought some clothing to hang on her (complainant's) wire line. Defendant hung the clothes, and then used language towards complainant calculated to provoke a breach of the peace. Defendant came again about twelve o'clock, and threw pieces of tin and two half bricks at her. Witness was cross-examined by Mr Evans, and went on at great length and with great volubility as to the grievances which she had to suffer owing to the conduct of defendant. This was complainant's case, and Mr Evans addressed the bench, and called The defendant, Catherine Mary Boyston, who denied that she saw complainant about 9.30 on the Monday morning in question The first time she saw her was between eleven and twelve o'clock, but she used no abusive language at all. Edward Edwards, carrier, deposed that he was at complainant's house about 11.30 on the morning in question, but he heard nothing out of the way. If a row occurred he must have heard it. The bench stopped Mr Evans calling any further witnesses, and dismissed the case, and the costs of the hearing were remitted.
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Beyston, Thomas and Mary [-]