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Mary Roberts assaults policeman with poker

Source: Cambrian News 02/02/1872       Date: 1872
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

Selling Beer during Prohibited Hours. Mary Roberts, widow, Plough Inn, Llanbadarn, was summoned for having sold beer during prohibited hours on January 28th.-P.C. David Hughes (32) proved the case. Mr Edgar Atwood appeared for the defendant.Fined 5s., including costs. The defendant was further summoned for having, on Jan 26th, assaulted P.C. Evan Evans (20), and P.C. Thomas Stephens (31), whilst in the execution of their duty at Llanbadarn. Stephens said that he had to go to the defendant's house on January 26th, to execute a distress warrant for arrears of rates. She threatened to stab the first person who touched her furniture. She flourished a poker, which witness took from her, and then the defendant kicked witness. She struck P.C. Evans with the poker, and kicked him also.Fined 10s., including costs.
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Plough , Llanbadarn Fawr