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Culliford takes over 24 Great Darkgate Street

Source: Aberystwyth Observer 22/4/1871       Date: 1871
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

WHOLESALE & RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT, AND ALE AND PORTER STORES, 24, GREAT DARKGATE STREET. ABERYSTWYTH. GOWAN CLARK BEGS to return his most grateful thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and Inhabitants generally of Aberystwyth, and the surrounding district, for the kind and liberal patronage he has received from them at the above Establishment, and begs to inform them that he has DISPOSED of his WINE AND SPIRIT AND ALE AND PORTER BUSINESS to MR. HENRY CULLIFORD, who will take possession of the premises and enter upon the business on Saturday, the 22nd day of April, and for whom GOWAN CLARK most respectfully and earnestly solicits from his numerous customers their patronage and support.. HENRY CULLIFORD, in taking to the above business, begs most respectfully to solicit the patronage of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and the Inhabitants generally, and to assure them it will be his constant study to merit their confidence by rigidly adhering to the principle of selling none but the very choicest articles at the lowest remunerative prices. WINES AND SPIRITS IN BOND DIRECT FROM THE SHIPPERS- GUINNESS & CO'S CELEBRATED DUBLIN STOUT. Agent for Bass & Co.'s East India Pale and Burton Ales.

Linked to
Culliford Wine Vaults , 24 Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth (exact location uncertain)
Culliford, Henry [-1880]

Total: 1