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Mrs Stamp addresses the Association

Source: The Principality 5/4/1850       Date: 1850
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

CARDIGAN. CARDIGAN TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. For some time past several respectable tradesman of this town, who staunchly advocate and rigidly follow the principles of total abstinence from spiritous and malt liquors, have been desirous of establishing an association for the suppression of drunkenness, and it having been understood that the very talented lecturer in support of those principles, Mrs. Stamp, was at Haverfordwest lecturing upon the subject, she was most urgently requested to attend here, and on Friday evening week she delivered her first lecture at the largo Baptist chapel in New street, the chapel was crowded to excess, and Mrs. Stamp was most enthusiastically applauded throughout, the lecture, which occupied about two hours. On Sunday evening, Mrs. Stamp preached a very excellent sermon at the Hope chapel, and on that occasion the edifice was crowded to inconvenience. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Stamp, at the urgent solicitation of her friends, delivered a second lecture on the subject of Temperance, at Chapel Mair, in St. Mary's lane, in consequence of the trustees of the Methodist chapel in Pendre having declined to allow that to be used. This lecture was equally well attended as the first, both by the tradesmen and many must influential and respectable inhabitants of the town. At the conclusion of the lectures a great number of the inhabitants subscribed the usual temperance pledge. It is generally expected that Mrs. Stamp will pay Cardigan another visit.
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Cardigan Temperance Association, [-]