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Details of person: Culliford, Henry

Born: Not known       Died: 1880       Active from: Not known       Active to: Not known

Cambrian agent - see below


Henry Culliford, Ro-fawr, is agent for the Cambrian Steam Packet Co (AO 27 Oct 1860)


'Henry Culliford carted timber from the station'


Marriage in Aberystwyth to groom from London of Ellen dau of James Culliford 'of Bristol'


Henry Culliford, victualler of Gt Darkgate Street is listed as a juror in the Summer Assizes 1875

Ceredigion Archives RE/PS/5/1 Shrievalty Papers


Listed as the 'I.G.' in the Aberystwyth lodge of Freemasons (Western Mail)


"in the matter of the estate of Henry Culliford. FRANK WILLIAM CULLIFORD AGAINST WINIFRED CULLIFORD. 1881 C, 5235. THE Creditors of Henry Culliford, Wine and Spirit Merchant, late of 24, Great Darkgate streets Aberystwyth, in the county of Cardigan, deceased, who died in or about the month of November, 1880..."

Places associated with this person

Total: 1

Pubs associated with this person
Culliford Wine Vaults , 24 Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth (exact location uncertain)

Additional information


Culliford takes over 24 Great Darkgate Street

Date: 1871