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Details of person: Independent Order of Oddfellows,

Born: Not known       Died: Not known       Active from: 1840?       Active to: Not known
Notes:International Friendly Society with a number of lodges in Cardiganshire, who often met in pubs. Lodges included:

- Cardigan - Loyal Glantivy Lodge (met at Sailors Home, Pendre, then Victoria Coffee Tavern. Opened in 1872?) Report of anniversary meeting and dinner at the Ship Inn, Pendre, 1850 (Welshman 29 March)

- Goginan - Loyal Druid Lodge, Manchester Unity, No 5351 (met at Druid Inn, Goginan, opened in 1865)

- Borth - Cambrian lodge (opened 1866)

- Talybont - Iolo Goch lodge (opened 1872)

- Aberystwyth - St David's Lodge

- Aberystwyth - Rheidol Lodge

(one of the Abersywtyth Lodges met at the Prince Albert in 1856, when it had been going 'for many years') - see att

- Penrhyncoch - St John's lodge

- Llanbadarn Fawr - St Padarn's lodge (Gogerddan Arms, opened in 1866)

- Aberystwyth (Llangawsai) - Temple of Love lodge (Bull and Mouth, later White Hart)

- Ponterwyd - Loyal Gogerddan Lodge (Ponterwyd hotel?)

- Penrhyncoch - St John's Lodge

Female lodges could be established from 1894: "Power Granted to Establish a Female Lodge. The annual legislative council of the British United Order of Oddfellows, sitting at Sheffield, on Tuesday granted power to the executive council to establish an independent lodge, composed exclusively of females over sixteen and under thirty years of age, in any suitable place other than a public-house." Evening Express 8 Aug 1894.


"St. David's Lodge.—On the motion of P.S. Rhys Lewis, seconded by P.C. Thomas Williams, it was resolved that a female lodge be opened in connection with the district and a committee was appointed to make arrangements for the formation of one." CBV 25 July 1899


"Female Oddfellowship.-The Loyal Glantivy Lodge of Oddfellows have decided to make an effort to form a female lodge, for persons between the ages of sixteen and forty-four years. It is purposed to make provisions for sick pay and death allowance. Should any one wish to discontinue membership after marriage her interest would be converted into a marriage endowment" CN 2 Oct 1903

Pubs associated with this person
Bull and Mouth , 55 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth
Druid Inn , Goginan
Gogerddan Arms , Llanbadarn Fawr
Ponterwyd Hotel , Ponterwyd (exact location uncertain)
Sailors Home , 4 Pendre, Cardigan
Victoria Coffee Tavern , Priory Street, Cardigan

Total: 5

Additional information


Oddfellows meeting at Druid Inn

Date: 1866


New home for Glantivy Lodge

Date: 1884


Opening of Talybont Oddfellows lodge

Date: 1872


Oddfellows treasurer arrested

Date: 1895


Meeting of the Aberystwyth Oddfellows

Date: 1856


Oddfellows anniversary

Date: 1874