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Details of pub: Shropshire Arms, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: Little Darkgate Street (now East Gate)
OS Grid Ref: SN584819 approx
Opened: c.      
Closed: after 1867       Type: Pub
Summary: Newspaper reports all between late 1865 and early 1867. Renamed? Not the Victoria, the Hope and Anchor or Unicorn (all in that area) as they were open at the same time. No trace of 'Sheppard' in 1861 or 1871
Was it actually Little Darkgate Street? 1867: 'Near the Town Hall' = Queen's Square? Portland Street?

Notes: 1865
Court report: stealing from the till. Lic: William and Ann Sheppard AO 30 Dec 1865

Mr and Mrs Anne Sheppard mentioned as buying some jars from the Globe Spirit Store. AO 28 April 1866
'PETTY SESSIONS, ABERYSTWYTH. Tuesday, 20th March, 1866. Before Robert Edward, Esq. P.C. David Thomas, sworn: On Monday morning, about half-past twelve o'clock, witness heard some noise at the bottom of Little Dark-gate Street. Found Jenkin Hughes opposite Shropshire Arms. He was very drunk. The person with whom he had been quarreling had left at that time. Fined 5s. and costs.
Aberystwyth Observer 24.3.1866

"A letter was then read from Mr. Sheppard, of the "Shropshire Arms, complaining of the filth that was allowed to be accumulated and remain opposite his door. Mr. Pell said it was very wrong that this nuisance had been allowed to exist, and especially for so long a time. It must have been known to the Commissioners who were obliged to pass close to it each day they entered that hall. Mr. Vaughan, junior, said that the cart was going there that day to remove it." AO 7 July 1866

Evidence in a poaching case
"He then told me they had been in different public-houses in the town and asked the name of the public-house near the Town-hall. I told him it was the Shropshire Arms, kept by one William Sheppard," AO 16 Feb 1867

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