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Details of pub: Three Jolly Sailors, Aberystwyth

Other names: Jolly Sailors
Address/Location: Church Street (Upper Great Darkgate Street)
OS Grid Ref: SN5819881598
Opened: c.      
Closed: c. 1855       Type: Pub
Summary: Thought to be the meeting place of the Mariners’ Friendly Society, established or first registered: 1831. They first met in the house of Eliz. Humphreys.
(Evans, George Eyre, Aberystwyth Friendly Societies' Welsh Gazette, 12.4.1900 and 19.4.1900)

Assumed that the Jolly Sailors in Upper Great Darkgate St James Square is actually the Three Jolly Sailors, a few yards away around the corner on Church St (Upper Great Darkgate St)

Seems to have relocated to Lewis Terrace c. 1855, and later became the Railway Inn.

Was then used as a butcher's shop. Site bought in c.1876 for the erection of St Paul's Welsh Methodist Chapel, which was turned into the Academy pub c. 2000

Notes: 1816
Elizabeth James, Jolly Sailors, Upper Darkgate Street, (Aberystwyth Guide, 1816)
Elizabeth Jones, Jolly Sailors, St James' Square
(Pigot’s directory, 1822)
licensee: Elizabeth James
St Michaels Vestry Rate lists, Ceredigion Archives, CPR/ASTM/123-128

On the list of premises which were provided with water by the Aberystwyth Improvement Commissioners, 1837. Occupier / Landlord: Elizabeth Humphreys, 21 Church Street (Ceredigion Archives)

On list of old pubs in WGWWA 31 May 1900, Elizabeth Humphreys.

Loss of the Barque Tamerlane "The only one from this town lost was Richard Humphreys, youngest son of Mr. Humphreys, Jolly Sailor. He was at the wheel when a heavy sea washed him over-board. We are glad to find that she was insured. " Pembs Herald 10 March 1848

Additional information


List of pubs and licensees in Aberystwyth in August 1845

Date: 1845


Sale of former site of Three Jolly Sailors

Date: 1872