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Details of pub: Wenallt Arms, Tregaron

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN6803159662
Opened: c. 1839      
Closed: 1919       Type: Pub
Notes: 1875
licensee: John Jones (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)
For sale notice 'centrally situated', patronised by visitors 'for the last forty years', sale due to change of ownership (AO see att)

" INSULTING RAILWAY EMPLOYEE. William Jones, Wenallt Arms, Tregaron, cattle drover, who did not appear, was charged with using abusive language towards two of the Cambrian Railway Company's servants at the goods warehouse of the Aberystwyth Station on May 6th, when he had some cattle in trucks at the station. Defendant called a clerk named Jenkins very nasty epithets and threatened to knock John Bamford, foreman porter, off the platform; he was quite sober. Fined 20s and costs, or one month's imprisonment with hard labour, Mr Kilrington appeared for.the company. " AO 31 May 1884

1887 Landlord William Jones
"William Rowlands, Railway Hotel, Tregaron, charged David Thomas, Tregaron, ordnance surveyor, with an assault. Case dismissed. David Thomas, Tregaron, ordnance surveyor, charged William Jones, Wenallt Arms, Tregaron, innkeeper, with an assault. Fined 20s and costs." AO 29 Jan 1887
Petty Sessions: Tregaron; number on list: 11; name of premises: Wenallt Arms; Parish / Place: Tregaron; Licensee: Jones, Jenkin; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : William Jones, Brynteg, Ferndale; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)
Listed for closure by the local licencing committee, Valued for compensation at £188. Licence temporary renewed because of lack of compensation funds, but paid (and the pub closed) within a short time.
(County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)

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For sale notice and description

Date: 1879


Hiding in the cellar

Date: 1882