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Details of pub: Temperance House, Borth

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN6082389682
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Temperance
Notes: 1869
Mrs Enos, Temperance House (Visitor list) CN 3 July 1869

Visitor List - Thomas Enos

Badly damaged by terrible storm CN 9 Oct 1896

1901 Census
Margaret Enos, Head, Wid, 68, Temperance House Proprietress
(between Sydney House and Tynsley House, now 2 properties? Compton House and Cleveland)

OBITUARY. The death of Mr Thomas Enos, Temperance House, took place Wednesday morning, May 7th, after a few days illness. He had been connected with the Post Office here for the last twenty years and was a general favourite both with the natives and visitors. Great sympathy is felt with his widowed mother and sister in their sad bereavement. The funeral, which was en Sunday afternoon last, was the largest ever known here. It extended all the way from St Mathew's Church, where the interment took place, to the Independent Chapel. When St Mathew's Church was arrived at, it was found too small to contain all, a large number of people remained outside. CN 16 May 1902

"BORTH. Obituary.—On Saturday morning last the death of Mrs. Margaret Enos, Temperance House took place. Mrs. Enos was nn old inhabitant, who was much respected and much sympathy is felt with the surviving son and daughter. The funeral which took place oil Wednesday was very largely attended. "
WGWWA 15 Dec 1904

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