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Details of pub: Duke of Wellington, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: 50 Bridge Street/North Parade
OS Grid Ref:
Opened: c. 1869      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Pub
Summary: A bit confusing. Report of a house-warming at the Duke of Wellington Inn, North Parade for Robert Humphreys. No other reference to North Parade.
1871 Census Robert Humphreys is running the Duke of Wellington at 50 Bridge Street.

Location uncertain, Bridge St has been renumbered. In 1871 the Old Black Lion was 53 (it's now 16, even numbers on the East side). 50 was probably a few doors down from the Black Lion, roughly opposite the Nags Head (no.15 in 1871).

Notes: 1868
C.S. Robert Humphreys at an Oddfellows fete.

House-warming at North Parade - see att

1871 Census
Robert Humphreys, Mar, 47, Shoemaker and Licensed Victualler, wife Margaret

1877 a Robert Humphreys, shoemaker, is in financial difficulties. (CN 16 March 1877)

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Housewarming at North Parade

Date: 1869