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Details of pub: Cnwcylili Arms, New Quay / Cei Newydd

Other names: Cnwc-y-lili Arms, Crwe-y-lili
OS Grid Ref: SN3994359053
Opened: c.      
Closed: after 1905       Type: Pub
Summary: Crwe-y-Lili seems to be a typo.

Notes: 1868
Licensee: Margaret Enoch
Slater’s Directory, 1868

1871 Census
Margaret Enoch Wid 45 Innkeeper

licensee: Margaret Enoch (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)

"NEW QUAY. LOTTERY. Captain Evans, of Cnwc-y-lili Arms, of this place, has had the good luck to obtain £850 in the lottery drawing at Monte Video, South America, for the small sum of 4s. Mrs Evans, on Thursday, received a cheque for £800 ,of the money, Mr Evans retaining the remaining £ 50 to celebrate the occasion at Monte Video. " S Wales Daily News 28 Aug 1885

On 25-inch map

"A New Quay correspondent writes:—On Friday night, near Cnwc-y-Lili public-house, I heard the nightingale singing. The bird sang until past midnight. It created quite a sensation in the place. The nightingale was last heard here four years ago.-" S Wales Echo 14 May 1889

"SPECIAL PETTY SESSIONS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 14TH.—Before Messrs T. H. Maddy and Morgan Evans. Larceny.-A tramping labourer who gave the name of John Williams, from, the Church Steps, Bradford, and a tramping factory hand who gave the name of Annie Williams, from Bristol, were brought up in custody of P.C. Lewis Newquay, charged by Mary Jane Thomas, Cnwc-y-lili Arms, master mariners' wife, with having stolen a pair of woollen stockings, her property value 3s. 6d., from a drawer at Cnwc-y- lili Arms, on the evening of the 9th inst.-The male prisoner was sent to prison for six weeks hard labour and the female for three weeks. " Cambrian News 16 Oct 1891
Location of inquest: see attachment

Petty Sessions: Aberaeron; number on list: 45; name of premises: Cnwcylili Arms; Parish / Place: Cydplaf, New Quay; Licensee: Thomas, David; owner or tenant : owner ; registered owner : David Thomas, Cnwccylili, New Quay; free or tied: Free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)

Additional information


Cwncylilli Arms, New Quay, 25 inch, 1905



Report of inquest at the Cnwcylili

Date: 1892


Photograph of the Cnwc-y-Lili, late 19th century?
