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Details of pub: White Lion, Aberporth / Aber-porth

Other names: White Lion Hotel
OS Grid Ref: SN2611851536
Opened: before 1851      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Pub
Summary: Also included (in 1906) the Criterion Refreshment Rooms 'good temperance drinks'.

The Trewern Inn, close by, was on land with a lease of 60 years from 1837. Could this have been built about the same time?

Notes: 1851
Mentioned as busy in Welshman article - see att.

"The Inland Revenue authorities summoned Mary Owens, inn keeper, Aberporth, for brewing without an entry as required. Fined £5 and costs" AO 10 Oct 1874

licensee: Mary Owens (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)

"Dirwywyd hefyd Joseph Rees masnachwr 'sgadan, Abergwaun, i 10/- a'r costau am ymosod ar John Rees, White Lion Inn Aberporth." Yr Brython Cymreig 20 Nov 1896
There is a longer report in English in the Cardigan Observer - see att - it involves stinking fish!
"Dirwywyd John Rees, White Lion Inn, Aberporth, i bunt a'r costau am gymysgu gormod o ddwfr ar ben whiskey," Brython Cymreig 18 June 1897

Petty Sessions: Lower Troedyraur; number on list: 10; name of premises: White Lion; Parish / Place: Aberporth; Licensee: Harper, William; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : John G Jones, Quay Street, Cardigan; free or tied: Free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)

"FAILURE OF A RHONDDA WORKMAN A meeting of the creditors of John Rees, colliery repairer, 101, High-street, Cymmer, Porth, formerly carrying on business as a licensed victualler at the White Lion Hotel, Aberporth, was held to-day at Merthyr. The statement of affairs showed gross liabilities £90 19s. 10d., liabilities to rank for dividend £75 19s. 10d., assets £10 cash deposited for costs of petition, deficiency £65 19s. 10d.-The debtor attributed his failure to bad trade at the public house, illness of himself for ten months two years ago, and of his wife for five or six months shortly afterwards" Evening Express 24 June 1903
Landlady is a Mrs Harper (mentioned in report in Evening Express 30 Jan 1906)

Brief description of the premises when the Trewern Arms, which was only 100 yards away, was recommended for closure.
County Council Clerk’s records, Bundle of correspondence relating to the licensing of public houses in Cardiganshire, 1910-1912, Ceredigion Archives, CDC/SE/14/2

Shown on Ceredigion Council map as White Lion Hotel

Additional information


Aberporth busy with visitors

Date: 1851


White Lion Aberporth Oct 2009

Date: 2009


Selling spirits without a licence

Date: 1854


Selling bottled beer after hours

Date: 1909



Date: 1906


Asaault over stinking herrings

Date: 1896