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Details of pub: Heart of Oak Inn, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: 23 Great Darkgate Street
OS Grid Ref: SN5830681674
Opened: before 1833      
Closed: c. 1875       Type: Pub
Summary: Meeting place of the Standard of Wales' Friendly Society , established or first registered: 1833
(JD Pratt’s list, printed, no. 18, date of approval by Pratt 3.9.1833)
(Evans, George Eyre, Aberystwyth Friendly Societies' Welsh Gazette, 12.4.1900 and 19.4.1900)

Meeting place of the Ancient Britons' Benefit Society, established or first registered: 1849
(JD Pratt’s list, printed, no. 78, date of approval by Pratt 7.7.1849)

Notes: 1837
On the list of premises which were provided with water by the Aberystwyth Improvement Commissioners, 1837. Occupier / Landlord: John Hughes, 23 Great Darkgate Street (Ceredigion Archives)

True Briton Benefit Society dinner. Mr and Mrs Hughes hosts. Welshman 30 Dec 1842
Inquest held. Landlord J Hughes. Welshman 2 May 1845

John Hughes, Heart of Oak, on jury.

Death of Edward Edwards of the Heart of Oak, Great Darkgate Street. Welshman 13 Oct 1854

1871 licensee: Zophar Humphreys
source: Post Office directory, 1871
Heart of Oak, Humphreys, Zophar, Inn and Public House, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)

Auction notice: tenant David Evans AO 11 Sept 1875

Seems to have become a shop by 1877 - see att

not on the 1905 list

Additional information


Advert for shop that succeeded the Heart of Oak

Date: 1877


Assault charge against landlord of the Heart of Oak

Date: 1850


Re-opening after re-furbishment

Date: 1867