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Details of pub: Horse and Jockey, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: Bridge Street
OS Grid Ref: SN5825181511 approx
Opened: c.      
Closed: after 1869       Type: Pub
Summary: Seems to have been on the corner, not sure which. Probably the south side, later Loveden House?

Notes: 1816
Elizabeth Williams, saddler, Horse and Jockey, Bridge Street, (Aberystwyth Guide, 1816)
Elizabeth Williams, Horse and Jockey, Bridge Street (Pigot’s directory, 1822)

Richard and Elizabeth Morgan (1845 court case)

licensee: Richard Morgan,
source: Pigot and Co, 1830
Richard Morgan dies (1845 report)

On the list of premises which were provided with water by the Aberystwyth Improvement Commissioners, 1837. Occupier / Landlord: Mrs Morgan, 48 Bridge Street (Ceredigion Archives)
licensee: Jane Morgan,
source: Pigot and Co., 1844

Court case over ownership. Pembs Herald 1 Aug 1845
"Jones, v. Pulling was then proceeded with. Mr. Richards opened the pleadings, and said, it was a feint issue under the interpleader act. Mr. V. Williams stated the case to the jury. The learned Counsel commenced by regretting to say that owing to the pressure of business at H. West, had only arrived at noon that day, and could not attend to his brief in the manner he would wish, but he would disclose the whole fact of the cause to the jury, and keep nothing back. The plaintiff was a draper, at Aberystwyth, and the defendants were spirit merchants, living at Hereford, the question was sent down by the Queen's Bench, for the jury to say whether the goods seized under the writ by the sheriff, were the property of the widow Morgan, or of the plaintiff. It appeared that in the beginning of last year, the widow Morgan, who was living in a house called the Horse and Jockey, at Aberystwyth, got into difficulties. She was indebted to one Jones a maltster, who pressed her so heard for his money, that she assigned her goods to him when this got wind, the other creditors were sadly annoyed and considered that they had as good a right to them as Jones they therefore prevailed upon her to do away with her bargain with Jones, and to assign her property over to the trustees, for the benefit of the creditors generally. In pursuance of this agreement she went to a solicitor of the name of John Hughes and made the required assignment, under which a sale was proclaimed, and took place, and the proceeds amounted to what the appraisors rallied the goods. The Horse and Jockey was a good public house, and Jones took to it, keeping the widow Morgan as his servant. He bought a considerable share of the goods at the sale, and carried on the business in the name of Hughes. The deed of assignment was then produced, and one Edward Williams, examined by Mr. Richards, called to prove is execution as the attesting witness. It was dated the 5th Warch, 1845. Notices of the assignment were served upon the creditors, and amongst the rest upon the defendants. Cross-examined by Mr. Chilton, Q.C.: The deed was signed, to the best of my knowledge, the day it bears date. hi the tith March I sent copy of the notice to the Messrs. Pulling. The notices were not in my hand-writing. I do not remember whether the notice sent to the Messrs. Pulling was in my hand-writing, but I posted the letter inclosing it. Re-examined by Mr. V. Williams It is part of my duty to see letters sent to the post-office. T Assignment put in and read. It was made between Jane Morgan of the first part, David Jones and Edward Morgan of the second part, and the several creditors executing the Mime of the third part. Jane Morgan, examined by Mr. Williams I am a widow, and am 78 years of age. My husband has been dead for the last fifteen years. During his lifetime we carried on buiness at the Horse and Jockey, and I continued to do so after his death until the beginning of this year. We kept it between my husband and myself for twenty years. In the begining of this year my circumstances got embarrassed. I had a niece who had been along time ill; had heavy bills to pay, which brought me into difficulties. I had many creditors, six or seven, I was indebted to the plaintiff, David Jones, to Edward Morgan, to Lewis Meredith, of Shrewsbury, Mr. Pemberton, of Liverpool, J. Morgan, Tyllwyd, and to a maltster of the name of John Jones, who pressed me hard for money the beginning of this year. I told him that I would assign my goods to him. I mentioned to the plainiff, to Wm. Edwards, and two or three more, that I had done so. They remonstrated with me and, in consequence, I went to Mr. John Hughes, the attorney. Mr. Hughes advised me to make the assignment. Wm. Edwards also advised me he is a neighbour of mine, living opposite. I went to my landlord and took the house for another year. I had given notice to quit. The rent was lowered. I had friends who promised to assist me. Wm. Edwards became bail. The agreement was in writing. I do not know what became of it, whether Mr. Hughes or Mr. Edwards has it. After the assignment had been made, the goods were sold. The plaintiff has my licenses. I made an agreement with him in writing about carrying on the business. I was to be his servant, and agreed to be thereupon my finding "rather than go to the street. I was not present at the sale. The first sale took place under the assignment in my house.* Some lots were taken away, and then brought back. They are not my property now. I give an account in writing of what I sell at the Horse and Jockey. David Jones keeps the account. I hand the money over to him every week. The profits do not belong to me. Hughes's name is over the door. There has been ale brewed in the house since the sale under the trust deed. It was John Hughes's malt, and William Edwards received it. Hughes is a maltster. Cross-examined by Mr. Chilton, Q. C. David Jones (plaintiff) is a shopkeeper. He sells sugar, tea, and all sorts of linenn. I have the medical bills for attending my neice, then ill. I paid the last bill nine months ago. I owed the Messrs. Pulling £37 7s. They told me they would proceed against me, unless I would pay. This was before the assignment. I owed Meredith £10, and Pemberton £22. I went to my landlord's agent with a paper. I told him I gave notice to have my rent lowered. It was lowered. I paid £25, but it was reduced to £20. When the assignment was made, I had only one servant in the house. Her name was Mary. David Jones hired her. She called me mistress occasionally. John Hughes is a very common name at Aberystwith. Re-examined by Mr. Williams: A person came to the house to brew the malt that Jones brought there. The malt was not mine, but Mr. Jones's. John Hughes, the painter, put the name over the door. Mr. John Hughes, the attorney never gave me any advice about it. "
"Jones v. Pulling was resumed. Abraham Jones proved that he was the auctioneer employed at the sale, and that the articles were knocked down at fair prices. John Rowland was present at the sale, and bought a chest of drawers to keep his clothes in for 13s. 6d. It is still in his possession. Saw Excise-officer Rally guaging some liquor for the plaintiff. William Harries, a mine agent, was also present at the sale, and bought to the amount of 30s. The plaintiff asked him if he wanted the articles. Witness said No," and he let him (the plaintiff) have them at the prices he bought them. John Bonsall, a miner, attended the sale, and bought a feather-bed for £2. Plaintiff asked him if he would let him have it, and witness consented to do so at the same price he brought it. William Pugh bought articles at the sale to the amount of 10s. He told plaintiff the following day that his wife did not approve of the purchase, and asked" him to take the articles back. On his cross-examination he said that he never read Punch, and did not know "Caudle's Curtain Lectures," for he was no scholar. David Arter deposed that he was at the sale, and bought articles but as he did not want them, he let Jones, the plaintiff, have them back the following day. John Hughes, the maltster, proved his attendance at the sale that he bought articles, which he let Jones, the plaintiff, have back the following day. He also proved sending malt to the Horse and Jockey on Mr. Jones's account, and that he paid for it Mr. John Hughes, the solicitor, disclosed the whole statement made to him by the widow Morgan preparatory to drawing the assignment and that after its execution, he directed notices to be sent to the different creditors. No distribution of the sale money had been made amongst the creditors, for they had not been got in, and these proceedings also prevented it. Mr. Hugh Saunders, sheriff's officer, proved the execution of the writ at the Horse and Jockey, at the suit of the Messrs. Pulling, and he seized all the effects. Sale realised £56. He examined the accounts, and paid over the balance, according to the order of the judge. This was the plaintiff's case. Mr. Chilton addressed the jury for the defendants, and his lordship summed up. The jury returned a verdict for the defendants."

Inquest at the Old Black Lion: "From the evidence of Mr. William Edwards and several other witnesses, it appeared that the de- ceased had lived at the house of Mrs. Williams, (the Horse and Jockey), Bridge-street; that he had com- plained of being unwell on the day before (the 12th), but he did not go to bed until about nine o'clock that evening. The occupants of the house on going to bed about 11 o'clock, called at his bedroom to see how he was, and found him a corpse." Welshman 21 Feb 1845

Deaths: "On the 23rd inst., aged 54 years, Jane, wife of Mr. Richard Griffiths, Horse and Jockey" of this town. " AO 26 Aug 1866
Licensee: Griffiths, Richard
Slater’s Directory, 1868 (not in Worrall's directory, 1875)

""That a commitee, consisting of the mayor, Capt. Lewis, Dr. C. Rice Williams, and Mr Pell, in company of Mr D. Roberts and Mr John Davies, the two churchwardens, be requested to wait on Capt. Phelp of Nanteos, in order to ascertain upon what terms Col. Powell would dispose of the house and premises known as the "Horse and Jockey." for the purpose of widening and otherwise improving the west end of Gray's Inn Lane, under section 73 of the 11 and 12 Vic., cap. 6.3" AO 17 April 1869
"Mr Pell referred to the negociations with Col. Powell respecting the widening of the road at Gray's Inn Lane. To purchase the Horse and Jockey" would require £300 and they could have the refusal of the shop for £30 a year. He (Mr Pell) took upon himself to say that the commissioners would not come to any such terms, and so the matter stood, so that he feared nothing satisfactory was likely to come of this negociation. Mr Hackney: Then it falls to the ground. Mr G. T. Smith: What, the house? (Laughter.) Mr Atwood: We are not in a position to purchase or rent the place on such terms. Mr Pell: If the owner of the property does not see his way to the benefit which such proposed alteration would be to his own interests, it is not for us to move farther in the matter. The subject was then allowed to drop." AO 8 May 1869

"APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE. Mr Hughes applied for a licence for an old public- house known as the Horse and Jockey," which had been recently repaired. It was usually frequented by farmers and drovers, owing to its having large back premises. The application was made on behalf of Mr Roderick Williams, builder. The application was not opposed, and it was at once granted. " AO 27 Aug 1870

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People associated with this establishment
Williams, Mary [-]