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Details of pub: Raven, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: Penglais Hill
OS Grid Ref: SN5885181843
Opened: 1868      
Closed: after 1875       Type: Pub
Summary: References to Raven on Northgate Street are clearly the same as those for Penglais Hill. The 1871 census shows that there was a Raven inn near the Barracks on Penglais Hill, but Worrall's directory for 1875 gives the address as Penmaesglas Road. Both give Evan Jones as the name of the occupant. It is likely that Worrall gave the incorrect address - is Penmaenglas Road an error for Penglais?
Location - references to slaughtering in the yard and 'near the toll gate' and it's just outside the town boundary. Other reference is that it is the SW corner of TyMelyn, the large house across the road from Gogerddan Cottages.See 1889 OS map.

Notes: 1868
"...a new license was granted to Evan Jones, for the Raven Inn,
near the North Gate. " AO 29 Aug 1868

Part of the perambulation of the borough of Aberystwyth "thence along the north side of North Gate street to the north turnpike-gate, continuing in the same direction along the north side of the turnpike-road leading to Machynlleth to the south-west corner of Tymelyn (now called the Raven Inn); thence in a right angle Mid in a southern direction across the said turnpike road," Aber Times 12 June 1869
"REFUSING TO MAINTAIN A FATHER. J. Ll. Griffiths v. Evan Jones. J. LI. Griffiths, sworn I am one of the relieving officers of the Aberystwyth Union. John Jones, the father of defendant, is in receipt of 3s a week relief from the Union. He resides at Gilfach, Vaenor Lower. I have applied to the defendant to contri- bute towards his maintenance. I believe he is well able to keep his father. Defendant is the occupier of the Raven Inn, Aberystwyth, and by trade a joiner. lie has no family to support. I believe 1s. 6d. a week would satisfy the board. Ordered to pay 1s. 6d. a week from this time towards his father's maintenance" AO 31 July 1869

"AN UNDUTIFUL SON. Evan Jones, "Raven Inn," North-gate-street, was summoned for refusing to contribute towards the maintenance of his father. J. L. Griffiths The defendant's father is in receipt of 3s. a week from the Union. There was a previous order made against the defendant to pay Is. 6d. a week from 29th July last. A distress warrant was ordered to be issued in default of payment of the sum due on the order. " AO 27 Nov 1869

Used as slaughter-house! See att
"THE SLAUGHTERING HOUSE Mr Job Jones, the keeper of the new slaughter-house has, during the past week, slaughtered a few animals for his own sale but none of the other butchers have honoured the place with a visit They continue to kill at the Raven Inn, near the Turnpike Gate, which is just outside the boundary of the borough, and consequently beyond the operations of the bye-laws. The butchers persist in objecting to the tariff fixed upon by the commissioners, which they consider too high. On the arrival of Mr James, the lessee of the place, the butchers will probably represent to him their grievances, whether real or imaginary, with the view of entering, if possible, into an amicable arrangement. " AO 18 June 1870
Raven Inn near the barracks on Penglais Hill, occupied by Evan Jones, carpenter.

"AN ADVENTURE ON THE CLIFFS. On Sunday afternoon, May 12th, John Powell, a shoemaker, living m Mill-streef, attempted a descent, between Aberystwyth and Clarach, from the top of a lofty rocky cliff to the beach. Having proceeded a short distance down the cliff, be found he could not, with safety go further down the perilous descent, and it was impossible, without assistance, to get to the top again. He was perceived by some persons who Passed the spot during the afternoon, and a rope was pro- cured from the town and assistance given. Mr Evan Jones, of the Raven Inn, volunteered to go down by rope to the man, and a rope having been secured to the ad- Venturer, he was lowered down to the beach in safety" CN 17 May 1872
Evan Jones, Inn and Public House, Penmaesglas Road, Aberystwyth, (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)
"Evan Jones, Raven Inn, joiner, Aberystwyth, was charged by Richard Watkins, rate collector, with neglecting to pay 16s 6d, ordered to pay." CN 18 June 1875
Not on 1905 list

Additional information


Raven - drinking after hours

Date: 1873


Footpads in the town!

Date: 1868


Slaughter in the yard of the Raven

Date: 1870


Raven Inn, Penglais, OS 1889

Date: 1889