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Details of pub: Bear Inn, Pontrhydygroes

Other names:
Address/Location: Levelfawr
OS Grid Ref: SN7414672799
Opened: before 1863      
Closed: 1896       Type: Pub
Summary: Seems to have been a bit of a dive - the papers are full of cases of people being charged with various offences involving drink, including the landlords.(NAC)

Notes: 1863
Thomas Brooks of Bear Inn charges miner with threatening language
C M F Teuling of Bear Inn charged with trespass

"Margaret Howeils, Pontrhydygroes, charged Ann Brooks, Bear Inn, Pontrhydygroes, with an assault, on the 4th November last. Adjourned till next meeting. - Thomas Brooks, Bear Inn, Pontrhydygroes, charged Mary Pryse and Theresa Pryse, Smith Cottage, Ponthrydygroes, with having on the 11th November, assaulted him and two of his children. Defendants did not appear, consequently warrants ordered to issue" Welshman 8 Dec 1865
Licence transferred from Thomas Brooks to Azariah Searle (Aber Times 13 Nov 1868)

"Permitting Drunkenness. Azariah Serle, of the Bear Inn, Yspytty Ystwyth, was summoned by P.C. Samuel Davies for permitting drunkenness and other disorderly conduct at his house on the 2nd April. -Fined 5s., and costs, 12s" Aberystwyth Times 14 May 1870

1871 Census
Azariah Searle, 60, Publican born Devon, wife Elisabeth 53

Azariah Searle died 10th March aged 73
1884 - location of an auction CN 18/1/1884

On 25-inch OS map

Owner 1889-1897: John Waddingham of Hafod
Licensee: 1889-1892 Elizabeth Searle (convicted of selling drink to a drunken person, 25.9.1890, fined 20s including costs).
Licensee: 1892-1896 Mrs Jane Kemp
To Let notice as a Cocoa Tavern
Auction of the household furniture
1897 No licence applied for.
Register of Licences, Ilar Hundred, 1889-1924 with additions to 1952, Ceredigion Archives, TPS/LLI/1/7

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Pub to let

Date: 1896


Bear Inn - OS 25-inch 1888

Date: 1888


Drunken tinker

Date: 1889