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Details of pub: Star, Lampeter / Llanbedr Pont Steffan

Other names:
Address/Location: Unknown
OS Grid Ref:
Opened: before 1765      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Inn
Summary: Mentioned in G. Eyre Evans 'Lampeter 1905', and Bethan Phillips 'Peterwell'.

The Star Inn was full of lawyers on a commission for the last month. (The author goes on to say that one of his companions braved the return into Lampeter (to face the dogs that barked in the streets), in order to pick up an umbrella which had been left at the Inn.)
Sandys, William, (1792-1874), Sandys, Sampson, (1797-1880) (brothers), ‘Walk through South Wales in October, 1819’, NLW Cwrt Mawr MS393 C, pp. 82-

Bethan Phillips, ‘Peterwell’ p. 231.
From John Rowlands, ‘Historical notes, 1882’ : -
Free Wine…..Two men servants of Peterwell dressed up in Sir Herbert’s clothes when he was away, and went to the Star Inn at Lampeter, where they drank a large quantity of wine – on Sir Herbert’s account. The owner of The Star thought they were friends of Sir Herbert, and willingly served them.

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