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Details of pub: Culliford Wine Vaults, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: 24 Great Darkgate Street
OS Grid Ref:
Opened: before 1864      
Closed: after 1880       Type: Pub
Summary: Originally owned by George Tempany Smith.
Sold to Gowan Clark in Jan 1869
Sold to Henry Culliford in 1871

George Tempany Smith ran the Wine Vaults at 24 Great Darkgate Street in the late 1860s. He'd married the daughter of the White Horse in 1853. Is there a connection? Same building, new name?

Notes: pre 1864
The late Mr Evan Jones, painter, having built the houses in Great Darkgate-street now occupied by Mr W. T. Williams and Mr Culliford, they were purchased by Mr Smith, who then [by 1864] removed from the White Horse to the Wine Vaults in Great Darkgate-street, and succeeded in building up one of the best businesses in the town. ... Mr Smith took out an auctioneer's license, and sometime afterwards gave up the business in Great Darkgate-street to Mr Clarke, a stationmaster at Aberystwyth, who was succeeded by the late Mr Culliford.
Cambrian News 16.2.1882 (Obituary of Mr G. T. Smith, 1820-1882)

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Advert for Henry Culliford

Date: 1871


Horse left unattended outside Cullifords

Date: 1880


Culliford takes over 24 Great Darkgate Street

Date: 1871


Culliford's transferred from Smith to Clark

Date: 1869

People associated with this establishment
Culliford, Henry [-1880]