Ceredigion History Forum is not responsible for the content of other web sites.
Many licenced premises have their own web sites, some of which include information on the history of the pub. These are often noted on the entry for the pub in our database.
A few web sites include information on the history of pubs.
Ceredigion Library web site has details of all the pubs in Aberystwyth.
Pub History SocietyPub History Society
Lists of pubs which are (apparently) open:
We have our own
list of open pubs which may or may not be up to date!
Several web sites have attempted to compile lists of pubs which are open (in Britain, by county, area, town or village) but their reliability is often dependent on others sending in up-dates. Many of these have the option for guests to add a review.
Pubs Galore
List of pubs on Welsh Cottages web site
Aberystwyth Pubs
Bae Ceredigion branch of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale)
CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale)
Pub is the Hub
President: Prince of Wales, established in 2001