The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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Half-Moon Hotel for sale advert
Source: Cambrian News 11/08/1893
Date: 1893
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:PONTTWELLY, LLANDYSSUL, CARMARTHENSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE OF A DOUBLE-LICENSED LEASEHOLD HOTEL AND OTHER PREMISES. MR D. EVAN3 has received instructions to sell by auction at the Half-Moon Hotel, Pont- twelly, On Tuesday, August 15th, 1893, At 2 p m. (Subject to such conditions as shall then and there be produced), in one lot, the: undermentioned valuable Leasehold Double-licensed Hotel,Dwelling- houses, and Premises, viz:- 1. All that very desirable Double-licensed Hotel known as the "HALF-MOON HOTEL," with the Coach-houses, Stables, and other Out-buildings, Yards, and Premises belonging thereto and held therewith, situate at Ponttwelly, in the Parish of Llangeler, in the County of Carmarthen. The Hotel, which is au old-established business premises, is conveniently situate adjacent to Llandysul Railway Station, on the Carmarthen and Cardigan Railway, and on the direct route from the Station to the Town of Llandyssul (which is within one quarter of a mile thereof), and to the town of Newcastle Emlyn (which is a distance of about 8 miles therefrom). It contains on the Ground Floor : Coffee Room, Back Room, Kitchen, Pantry, Bar, and Tap Room and on the Chamber Floor Sitting Room, 5 Bedrooms, 1 Dressing Room, and W.C. The Out-buildings consist of three Stables (with two, six, and eight stalls respectively), two Coach-houses, a spacious Loft or Club-room over the six-stalled stable, and an Out- respectively), two Coach-houses, a spacious Loft or Club-room over the six-stalled stable, and an Out-kitchen.
Notes:Linked to Half Moon Hotel , Station Rd, Pontwelly, Llandysul, Carmarthenshire , Pontwelly