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Aldergate Felinfach Censuses 1871-1911

Source:       Date:
Copyright:       Type: Census

Aldergate Inn, Felinfach, Llanfihangelystrad

1871 Wales Census

Aldergate, Llanfihangelystrad, Aberayron, Cardiganshire
Household Members

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
David Thomas Head married Male 35 1836 Stonemason and Publican Cardiganshire
Mary Thomas Wife married Female 32 1839 Cardiganshire
Anne Thomas Daughter - Female 9 1862 scholar Cardiganshire
Daniel Thomas Son - Male 6 1865 scholar Cardiganshire
Jenkin Thomas Son - Male 5 1866 scholar Cardiganshire
David Thomas Son - Male 2 1869 Cardiganshire

Archive reference RG10
Piece number 5558
Folio 20
Page 14

1881 Wales Census

Aldergate, Llanfihangel-Ystrad, Aberayron, Cardiganshire
Household Members

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
David Thomas Head Married Male 46 1835 Stone Mason & Publican Ystrad, Cardiganshire
Mary Thomas Wife Married Female 42 1839 Masons Wife Ystrad, Cardiganshire
Anne Thomas Daughter Single Female 19 1862 Masons Daur Ystrad, Cardiganshire
Daniel Thomas Son Single Male 16 1865 Masons Apprentice Ystrad, Cardiganshire
Jenkin Thomas Son Single Male 15 1866 Scholar Ystrad, Cardiganshire
David Thomas Son Single Male 12 1869 Scholar Ystrad, Cardiganshire
David Thomas Father Widower Male 74 1807 Stone Mason Ystrad, Cardiganshire

Archive reference RG11
Piece number 5443
Folio 53
Page 9

1891 Wales Census

Aldergate, Llanfihangel Ystrad, Aberayron, Cardiganshire
Household Members

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
David Thomas Head Married Male 56 1835 General Stone Mason Ystrad, Cardiganshire
Mary Thomas Wife Married Female 52 1839 - Ystrad, Cardiganshire
Jenkin Thomas Son Single Male 25 1866 Theological Student Ystrad, Cardiganshire
David Thomas Son Single Male 22 1869 Theological Student Ystrad, Cardiganshire

Archive reference RG12
Piece number 4556
Folio 133
Page 10

1901 Wales Census

Aldergate, Llanfihangel Ystrad, Aberayron, Cardiganshire
Household Members

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
David Thomas Head Married Male 66 1835 Stone Mason Cardiganshire
Mary Thomas Wife Married Female 62 1839 - Cardiganshire
John Jenkins Lodger Single Male 33 1868 General Labourer Cardiganshire
Mary A Jones Grand Daughter Single Female 6 1895 - Cardiganshire

Archive reference RG13
Piece number 5150
Folio 96
Page 11

1911 Wales Census

Aldergate Felinfach Cardiganshire, Llanfihangel Ystrad, Cardiganshire
Household Members (all aduts able to speak Welsh and English, 2 children Welsh only)

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Sex Occupation Age Birth year Birth place
Evan Jones Head Married Male Egg And Butter Merchant 45 1866 Cardigan Llanfihangel Ystrad
Anne Jones Wife Married Female Retailer Of Spirits 49 1862 Cardigan Llanfihangel Ystrad
Catherine Ellen Jones Daughter Single Female Assistant In Business 21 1890 Cardigan Llanfihangel Ystrad
Thomas William Jones Son Single Male Postman Auxiliary 19 1892 Cardigan Llanfihangel Ystrad
John Jenkins Boarder Single Male Farm Labourer 43 1868 Cardigan Llanfihangel Ystrad
John Jenkin Jones Son - Male School 6 1905 Cardigan Llanfihangel Ystrad
Jenkin Griffith Jones Son - Male School 4 1907 Cardigan Llanfihangel Ystrad

Census reference RG14PN33415 RG78PN1917 RD606 SD2 ED12 SN19
Piece number 33415

Linked to
Aldergate , Felinfach, Llanfihangel Ystrad, Ystrad Aeron