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Being an unruly pauper - three months

Source: County Echo 18/06/1903       Date: 1903
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

An Unruly Pauper. John Donald Breeze (60), an inmate of the St Dogmaels Workhouse was summoned by the Police on three charges of drunkenness. P.C. Lewis stated that on the 8th inst defend- ant (who did not appear) was very drunk and making use of very bad language. A very bad record was placed against him the charges of drunkenness filling two sheets of foolscap. The officer had enquired at Cardigan as to where the man had been served with drink but had failed to obtain any clue. The Rev E. D. Evans thought it would be a good thing if they could find out those who gave the man drink. For being drunk the defendant was sentenced to a month's imprisonment. Mr George Richards, master of the St Dogmnlls Union, gave evidence in support of three further charges brought against Breeze. First for desert- ing from the workhouse, assaulting the master* and being drunk. Mr Richards said he called the men to work in the usual way, but defendant was not in a lit state to work. He might say that Breeze had frequent attacks, and in fact was 3 perfect nuisance to the inmates and himself. On the day he went out to work he promised faith- fully to return, but it was not long before he ab- sconded. W hen he committed the assault he (the master) was preventing Breeze from running away and if it had not been for P.C. Lewis, who inter- cepted defendant's arm, he would have been hurt severely. He might also add that Breeze was extremely partial to Carmarthen jail. On one occasion he boasted of having a Season ticket for the prison and that he was all right. On another occasion he obtained admission on the strength of his statement that the policeman was on his way with the warrant (laughter). The Magistrates committed defendant to prison for three months on the three charges.
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Breeze, John Donald [1843-1907]