The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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38 times and counting
Source: Cambrian News 05/09/1902
Date: 1902
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:A FAMILIAR VISITOR. For the thirty-eighth time, John Donald Breeze, an inmate of the Workhouse, was brought before the Borough Bench of Magistrates, on Monday, to answer the charge of having been drunk and disorderly preferred against him by Inspct. Williams, which occurred at Pendre on the previous evening. Defendant pleaded "not guilty to the charge, but they might charge him with leaving the Workhouse with the Workhouse clothes. He hoped they would not keep him long, as he did not feel very well that morning, having had enough of it. He was sorry any unpleasantness had taken place since the previous week it was all the fault of the boys in the Workhouse. One of the magistrates (Mr Woodward) stated that he was sorry for the defendant, and if he heard of any publican sup- plying him (defendant) with drink he would not be a party to renew the licence. The Inspector re- marked that he did not think any publican in the town would supply defendant with drink, but he was in the habit of visiting public houses and if customers did not happen to be in the room or their attention being centred otherwise than on the table, he would take up the glasses and drink them off. The Bench intimated that they could deal effectively with defendant under the new Act in January next. Defendant was sent to Carmarthen gaol to spend a month.
Notes:Linked to Breeze, John Donald [1843-1907]