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The power of prayer

Source: Cambrian News 22/08/1902       Date: 1902
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

BOROUGH PETTY SESSIONS. On Friday evening last, at a special borough petty sessions, a familiar form in the person of John Donald Breeze, a. retired draper, whose circumstances have been better than they are at present, was brought up in custody charged with absconding from the Workhouse that morning. From the statement of the defendant, it appeared that there was an inmate occupying the same dormitory who was bent on praying all the night long that the Almighty would take Mr Breeze away so as to afford him relief and quietude. To this Mr Breeze objected, as he was not disposed to be removed in that extraordinary manner, but to live and to die a "natural death." At breakfast time an inmate named Billy threw his breakfast at him and when at work out of doors, he was so exasperated by some of the inmates that he decided upon an exodus, leaving his coat behind. He had no cause of complaint against the Master or officials, but it was impossible to put up with the cantankerous spirit of some of the inmates. He preferred gaol to be where he was, and he was quite prepared to dwell there for as long a period as the magistrates desired, or, if they were otherwise disposed, he had no objection to returning to the Workhouse.
The Bench took a lenient view of the matter and he was forgiven and ordered to return to the Workhouse which order he obeyed with a smile on his face after entertaining the Court with some very humorous remarks.
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Breeze, John Donald [1843-1907]