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Verwig Temperance Society meeting
Source: Cardigan Observer 22/01/1887
Date: 1887
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:VERWIG TEMPERANCE SOCIETY.-On Thurs- day evening, the 13th inst., the members of the above society had their annual tea meeting, which was held at the Verwig Board School, at 3.30 p.m. A large number, including many ministers and friends sat down. At 6 p.m., a public temperance meeting was held at the Baptist Chapel, under the presidency of Mr. W. W. Mitchell, Cardigan. The programme, which was most admirably rendered, consisted mostly of recitations and songs given by members, and assisted by a few friends of the society. Addresses of a very earnest and eloquent character were also delivered by the chairman, Miss Parry (Brythonferch) Blaenanerch, Mr. Harford, and Mr. John James, Cardigan. May the divine blessing rest upon the friends of the cause in their efforts against the drink demon.
Notes:Linked to Ferwig/Y Ferwig