The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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Joseph Prosser summoned
Source: Cambrian News 22/08/1884
Date: 1884
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:CWRW BACH--At the borough police-court, on Monday-before Messrs Joseph Rees (mayor), Levi James, and Robert E. Rees-Inspector Roberts charged Joseph Prosser, Upper Mwldan, with having, he not being a duly-licensed person, kept for sale by retail about 15 gallons of beer in his house, contrary to the statute. Mr Henry R. Daniel appeared for the defendant, and Superintendent Williams conducted the case on behalf of the police. Mr Daniel took objection to the information, inasmuch as it had been laid under the 17th section of the Act of 1874. under which defendant had been, on the 31st July last, summoned to show cause, which case was heard, and had been adjudicated upon, the penalty being the forfeiture of the beer and utensils, which were ordered to be sold. He characterised the present proceedings as nothing less than a persecution, Mr Daniel's contention was upheld by the bench, and the case was dismissed without costs, leave being granted Supt. Williams to apply for a new summons, under another section, for selling beer without a licence. Supt. Williams remarked that it was well known that a large traffic was being carried on in these jerry-shops on Sundays and week days, which should be put an end to.
Notes:Linked to Joseph Prosser , 24 Upper Mwldan, Cardigan