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List of renewals Sept 1880

Source: Aberystwyth Observer 11 sept 1880       Date: 1880
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper
Description: Full list of renewed licences and names of landlords

Renewal of licences.The following licences were renewed Rhydgaled Inn, to Dorothea Jenkins, Rhydgaled, Gwnnws Caradog Inn, Gwnnws, to John Jones; Oak Inn, Figure Four, to David Roderick; Bull's Head, Llanilar, to John Richards, Falcon Inn, Llanilar, to Robert Jones; Kings Arms, Lledrod, to Mary Williams Fountain Inn, Swyddffynon, to Henry Thomas Gorfach Inn, Gorfach, to Morgan Davies New Cross Inn, New Cross, to Mary Morgan Devil's Bridge Hotel, to John James Black Lion, Pontrhydfendigaid, to Mary Evans Red Lion, Pontrhydfendigaid, to Ana Jones, Bear Ian, Pontrhydfendigaid, to Azariah Searle Star Inn, Yspytty Ystwyth, to John Price; Lisburne Arms, Pontrhydygroes, to Morgan Jones; Black Lion, Nantyberrws, to John Messer Yspyty Ystwyth Henfford Arms, Henfford, to John Lloyd; Mabws Arms, Ystrad Meurig, to Ann Brooks College Arms, Ystrad Meurig, to William Williams; Lisburne Arms. Llanfihangel Croyddin, to Thomas Griffiths Cross Inn, Bwlchgwynt, Gwnnws, to Margaret Jones; Farmers Arms, Llanfihangel Croyddin, to Catherine Rowland. Confectioners' licenses were granted to Thos. Lloyd, Pontrhydygroes and John Williams, Bronnant. Special sessions for the purpose of licensing were fixed for November, 1880, January, March, May, July, and September, 1881.
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