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Oddfellows meeting at Druid Inn
Source: Aberystwyth Observer 13/01/1866
Date: 1866
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:GOGINAN ODD FELLOWSHIP About four months ago, a lodge of Odd -Fellows. was established at this place, since which time forty-three members have joined, and they are still rapidly increasing in number, bidding fair to become one of the most flourishing lodges in this part of the country. The members, most of them being young, are respectably connected. It was arranged that the first turn-out of the lodge should take place on New Year's Day, and that mine host, brother P. Nicholls, V. G., of the Druid Inn, where the lodge is held, should provide a good and substantial repast on the occasion. Accordingly, at about half-past 9 a.m., about forty members met, and proceeded to Dyffryn Chapel, where an excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. brother, J. Jones, of Penrhyncoch. They then paraded through the Goginan Mines, attended by a band of music, which deserves much praise for performance. From Goginan they carne round by Penbryn farm into the Aberystwyth mail road, and on to Goginan. At half-past 1 o clock the dinner was announced to be ready, the chair being taken by brother E. Rowland, surgeon, N. G., and the vice-chair by Capt. W. H. Paul, of Goginan. Too much praise cannot be given for the manner in which the dinner was got up; and due justice was done to it. The usual toasts were given and responded to, that of the evening being of course The Loyal Druid Lodge, of the Manchester Unity, No. 5351." After thanks had been given to Mr. Nicholls for his attention in seeing all things properly arranged for the members' and guests' accommodation, the chairman spoke at great length, and forcibly pointed out, that by paying a trifle when able and in good health, the brothers would receive assistance from their own savings when in ill-health or otherwise disabled; and he hoped, and indeed doubted not, that what was just commenced would eventually bear abundance of fruit, and that want would be banished from the neighbourhood. The meeting broke up at a late hour, and all were highly delighted with the day's proceedings. It is hoped before long that a larger meeting will take place.
Notes:Linked to Druid Inn , Goginan Independent Order of Oddfellows, [-]Total: 1