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Advert for the White Hart

Source: Aberystwyth Observer 08/12/1866       Date: 1866
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

GEORGE T. SIMCOX, WHITE HART, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, BEGS most respectfully to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry of the County with the fact that he has established himself at the above address, after having for very many years been employed as Butler in some of the first families in England and Wales. G. T. SIMCOX is proud to say that he, for a considerable length of time, was Butler at Gogerddan and that whilst there his conduct was such that Sir Pryse Pryse, Bart., has granted him permission to use his name as a reference for the efficiency of the advertiser. George T. Simcox begs leave to solicit the patronage of the County and would be glad to assist at dinners given by the members of the county gentry, or by public companies.
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Simcox, George T [-]
White Hart , 2 Market Street, Aberystwyth

Total: 1