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Assaulting tenants
Source: Aberystwyth Observer 23 Nov 1866
Date: 1866
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:ASSAULT. Alice Tolfree sworn On Friday Mr. Beyston came to witness demanding rent, and threatened to distrain. Witness had paid her rent, and did not owe him any. Witness ordered him out; and when trying to get her out defendant caught her by the arm and swung her round. Witness had paid her rent up to the 29th September last, and no more rent would be due till the 25th March next. He came to the back door, and said he would break the door open. He said he would" Maria Martin" her if she did not open the door. The language he used was too scandalous to repeat. The defendant made a statement as to his rent net having been fully paid, according to some arrangement he had made with Mr. Hird. The mayor said they had nothing to do with the question of rent. The complainant said that she and her children were afraid of their lives of him. He was in the habit of coming there at one o'clock in the morning with a big stick, and threatening them. He was the cause of destroying her business there. Mr. Davies: The defendant must not be allowed to go about ill-treating and threatening people. The defendant: What am I to do for my rent ? Mr. Davies Your solicitor. Mr. Rowe, has given Mrs. Tolfree a receipt for the rent. The defendant: He had no right to do it. Mr. Davies Did you employ Mr. Rowe? The defendant: Yes, to get it in full. Mr. Davies We have nothing to do with that here. We have only to deal with the complaint. The defendant: What am I to do for my money? (Laughter.; The mayor There are other means to get your rent besides going about ill-treating people. You must be bound over in the sum of £5 to keep the peace for six months.
Notes:Linked to Beyston, Thomas and Mary [-]