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Beyston Junior causing trouble
Source: Cambrian News 13/02/1880
Date: 1880
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:Alleged obstruction of the Footpath. T. R. Beyston, fitter, Mill Street, Aberystwyth, was charged with having obstructed the footpath at Market Street by standing thereon longer than necessary on Feb. 5. P.C. No. 10 said he requested a lot of young men to move away from the corner of Market street. They refused, and when he asked them to move on they screamed in his face. The ring leader was the defendant. He refused to give his name, and had to be taken to the police station. Defendant called Harry Humphreys, who said he, defendant, and others, were walking around the square. The bobby catched hold of this fellow." By the Bench There was a row at the place before the policeman caught hold of defendant. He could not say what row. There was a crowd, and he, defendant, and David Pugh could not pass. The police took hold of defendant and carried him off to the lock-up. The policeman asked Harry Dodd to move on. The officer said he asked all the boys to move on. David Pugh commenced to give his evidence in Welsh. Mr. Szlumper: Oh, speak English. witness I cannot, sir. The witness continued in Welsh to corroborate Humphreys's evidence. He said that there was a row near David Williams's, and the policeman came on and took defendant to the station. The Bench said that they were anxious to put a stop to the practice, but they could not convict in the face of the evidence. If, however, it was thought that the policeman's evidence could be corroborated by additional witnesses the Bench would adjourn the case. Mr. Supt. Lloyd replied that he would place two constables on the watch, and he hoped to give the Bench a dozen cases at the following sessions. The congregation of boys at street corners was a great nuisance, for they not only compelled ladies to go into the street, but they also made indecent remarks and squirted tobacco juice on the ladies' dresses. The Bench dismissed the case, and remarked that they were anxious to put a stop to the practice.
Notes:Linked to Beyston, Thomas and Mary [-]