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Charitable donations

Source: Cambrian News 30/12/1910       Date: 1910
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

PONTHRYDFENDIGAID. Benevolence. - At the close of the year the poor of the village and neighbourhood have been bountifully blessed by rich and sympathetic donors. On Monday, December 19th, Mr. Wilkinson, Crosswood. visited the village, accompanied by Lady Enid Vaughan and Lady Amherst, to distribute blankets and money to some forty-eight persons. On December 27th, the Rev. J. Bowen (C.M.). and the Rev. Evan Jones, the vicar, and Mr. D. Jenkins, Red Lion Hotel, received cheques from the Rev. T. A. Penry, Aberystwyth, from Mr. T. A. Jones. Melbourne. to be distributed amongst the poor of the place. Mr. Jones annually remembers the poor of Pontrhydfendigaid.
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Red Lion Hotel , Pontrhydfendigaid