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The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.

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Advert for the St George's Hotel

Source: Cardigan Bay Visitor 03/07/1889       Date: 1889
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

ST. GEORGE'S HOTEL, PORTLAND STREET, (NEAR THE TOWN HALL,) ABERYSTWYTH. SAMUEL. GREEN, PROPRIETOR Late of the Lion, High-street, West Bromwich. Specialities per Bottle. McKNIGHTS' OLD IRISH WHISKEY 3s. 6d. DUNVILLE 3s. 6d. RODERICK DHU SCOTCH 3s. 6d. (4 gold medals.) MOUNTAIN DEW 3s. 6d. Brandy. MARTELLE & HENNESSYS 6s. Od. VERY OLD WHITE RUM (as made) 3s. 6d. VINO DO PORTO VERY OLD PORT WINE 30 YEARS IN CASK 5s. Od. A considerable allowance will be made in this Wine for charitable institutions or purposes. ALLSOPP'S ALES drawn from the wood, bottled Ales and Stout. APARTMENTS.
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St George Hotel , Queen Square / Portland Street, Aberystwyth