The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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Pavement dispute
Source: Cambrian News 27/01/1882
Date: 1882
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:Mr William James, ironmonger, was summoned by Inspector Roberts for placing goods, ware, wheelbarrow, &c., so as to obstruct the pavement in front of his shop. Mr J. A. C. Evans appeared for defendant, and pleaded that defendant had a right to the pavement, inasmuch as it was private property, that defendant had to repair it three times within the last twelve years, and that the person who occupied the premises before him (then the Red Cow public-house) used to rent the pavement for standings, carts, &c., on market and fair days. The Bench were of opinion, according to the Act, that every pavement where no bye-laws existed, as in the case of Cardigan, were invested in the urban authority, and could not have been private property. During the hearing, which lasted for about two hours, evidence was produced to show that previous to 1871 the pavement was retained as private property, and it was pointed out that many steps, railings in front of Iocal houses, &c., entirely cut off the pavement, and prevented the public from using them. As the question was an important one to tradesmen in general, after a consultation. the magistrates decided to adjourn the case for a fortnight, so as to enable them to invest the case thoroughly,
Notes:Linked to Red Cow Inn , 14 or 15 High Street, Cardigan