The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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Theft while lodging at the Red Cow
Source: Welshman 02/09/1848
Date: 1848
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:CHARGE OF ROBBERY. On the 17th ult., Alexander M Cay, a shipwright, and a native of Scotland, was brought before David Davies, Esq., one of the magistrates for the borough of Cardigan, charged with having stolen a waistcoat, a shirt, a pair of trousers, two cravats, some pocket handkerchiefs, and a sum of money from W. Morgan, also a shipwright. It appeared from the evidence that the prosecutor and prisoner lodged together at the house of Mr. J. Rees, Red Cow, Cardigan, and that on Monday, the 14th ult., the prosecutor went to his work in the morning, and leit the property above-mentioned, safe in his room, the prisoner being in bed. On his return to breakfast, the prisoner had absconded, taking with him the property in question. Information was given to the police, and the prisoner was apprehended by David Evans, an active officer of the Cardiganshire Rural Police, stationed at New Quay, and the stolen property found at the lodging where the prisoner had been staying at New Quay. The prisoner was committed for trial at the ensuing Cardiganshire Quarter Sessions
Notes:Linked to Red Cow Inn , 14 or 15 High Street, Cardigan