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Licensing - description of the Plough
Source: Welsh Gazette and West Wales Advertiser 16/03/1905
Date: 1905
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:The Plough Inn. The Chief Constable opposed the renewal of the licence of the Plough Inn on the grounds that the licence was not required by the character and necessities of the neighbourhood and locality in which the premises were situated; that the said licensed premises were structurally unfit to carry on the trade of a licensed victualler. The Chief Constable said there were three courses open to the bench: either to refer the matter to the Quarter Sessions; Compensation, or renew the licence. Sergt. Thomas said the Plough Inn was 25 yards from the nearest public-house. There were four public houses on the same side of the street, and four on the other side. Within a radius of 100 yards there were about nine fully licensed houses, 3 of which were the chief hotels in the town. He visited the house, and found it was an old building, with a low headroom; the ceiling of the rooms upstairs having only a height of 7ft. 6 inches. The door leading from a passage measured five feet ten inches. The floor was very rough, windows small and dark and ventilation, in his opinion, was deficient. He did not think it a fit house to be licensed. Nothing had been done since the last Court. Cross-examined by Mr. D. F. Lloyd, who applied for the renewal on behalf of the owners, witness said that the house was extensively used on market and fair days. No repairs "had been commenced when he visited the house at 8 a.m. that morning. He had received no complaint with regard to any inconvenience on market days. He could not say whether it would be inconvenient to the public if the house was closed on market and fair days. In reply to the Chief Constable witness said the passage was from four to five feet wide. and there was no other means to get into the house. The bench intimated that notice should have been sent with regard to the necessary repairs to the owner, Mr. Jones, Miilbank. Mr. Lloyd, addressing the bench, said that with regard to the first objection the house was much frequented by the farmers, and as for the repairs he had no doubt the landlord would put everything right. The house had always been found suitable and if the license was refused he did not know what the farmers would do.- Renewed
Notes:Linked to Plough Inn , Lampeter