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Auction of Royal Arms and other properties

Source: Aberystwyth Observer 18/01/1868       Date: 1868
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

ABERYSTWYTH. VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE, G. T. SMITH HAS been instructed to offer for SALE BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 21st JANUARY, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to conditions then to be produced and read, at the GOGERDDAN ARMS HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH, the following very desirable and compact LEASEHOLD PROPERTY in Four Lots :
LOT 1. All that excellent Inn and Tavern known by the name of The Royal Arms, situate in Northgate-street, in the town of Aberystwyth. in the occupation of Mr Henry Morgan, with the Yard and Outbuildings thereunto belonging.
LOT 2. All that very desirable House, Shop, and Yard, adjoining Lot 1, in the occupation of Mr John Davies, Grocer.
LOT 3. All that Stable in the occupation of Mr Henry Morgan, and four well-built Cottages adjoining, all situate in North-gate Court, and in the occupation of respectable tenants.
LOT 4. All those four Cottages situate at the back of North-gate Court aforesaid, all of which are occupied by respectable tenants.
The above desirable Property is held under a Lease from the Corporation of Aberystwyth, of which nearly forty years are unexpired. For further particulars apply to Messrs. John and Hugh Hughes, Messrs. W. H. Thomas and Jones, Solicitors, or of the Auctioneer, all of Aberystwyth
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Morgan, Henry [1818-1874]
Royal Arms , Northgate Street, Aberystwyth

Total: 1