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Outside entertainment for residents
Source: Cambrian News 05/04/1889
Date: 1889
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Prostitute claimed she was waiting for a customer from the Belle Vue
Transcript:Alleged Loitering for an Unlawful Purpose.-Mary Richards, Mill-street, was charged by Mr John Lloyd, Deputy Chief Constable, with having unlawfully loitered in certain streets in the borough, and importuned passengers for the purpose of prostitution on the 28th March. P.C. Joshua Lewis said that about 10.30 on Thursday night last he saw the defendant on the Marine Terrace hiding herself behind the boats. Witness accused her of being there for an unlawful purpose. She said, There are no boys about here to- night, so I might as well go home." She also said she was expecting some one from the Belle Vue. Witness warned bar, and told her to go home to her children, and she went. However, about an hour afterwards he again saw her in Alfred-place calling two young men. The latter asked him if she was a prostitute, to which he replied she was. Defendant said she would give witness a glass if he did not report her. He told her, however, she would be summoned. He did not take her into custody, because she had children to care for. Defendant denied having been there for an un- lawful purpose. The Bench bound defendant over in the sum of £ 5 to come up for judgment in a month
Notes:Linked to Belle Vue , 23 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth