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Smelly chip carts
Source: Cambrian News 18/3/1898
Date: 1898
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:Obstruction. Louie Bernie, Nag's Head, chip potato seller, was charged with having obstructed the highway at Northgate-street by allowing a hand truck to remain thereon for an unreasonable time on March 14th. Humphrey Davies, Royal Oak, another chip potato vendor, was charged with a similar offence. P.C. Powell said on Monday night he saw the two defendants with their carts in Northgate-street. Davies remained in the same place from 8 30 to 10-20 and Bernie remained from 8-30 to 10-5. About nine o'clock several persons complained to him of the smell and smoke from defendants' carts. A few minutes later he cautioned both defendants. Superintendent Phillips said the police had received no end of complaints about defendants. Bernie, who had been convicted on two previous occasions, was fined 10s and costs, and Davies, who had been convicted on a previous occasion, was fined 5s and costs. The ex-Mayor cautioned the defendants that if they again appeared they would be fined the maximum penalty
Notes:Linked to Aberystwyth/ Nags Head , Bridge Street, Aberystwyth Royal Oak , Princess Street, AberystwythTotal: 2