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Application for a cinema licence granted
Source: Carmarthen Journal 28/01/1916
Date: 1916
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:BORTH CINEMA. Mr. A. J. Hughes, solicitor, Aberystwyth, appeared on behalf of Mr. S. McCausland; for a licence to use part of Cambrian Hotel, Borth, for cinematograph exhibitions. He stated that application had already been made to the Council, but it had been refused owing, he believed, to a misapprehension on behalf of the Council, who had been led to believe that the room formed part of licensed premises. It was, however, separate and apart from the hotel. The feeling in Borth, said Mr. Hughes, was decidedly in favour of having a licence for performances one or two nights a week in winter, and oftener in summer. "Borth has very little but a storm to interest itself in," said Mr. Hughes, "and no sooner have they recovered from the storm and the inroads of the sea, than they are preparing for another (laughter). Kev. Wm. Griffiths, Maenygroes, said the position was exactly the same as when it was discussed before. He moved that the licence be not granted. Although the room was partly separated from the hotel, it was on the hotel premises, and there would be temptation for the young men. Rev. T. R. Morgan seconded, and said he thought it was the Council's duty to oppose these cinema licences. They were continually asked to practice economy in the country, and in granting these licences they were going against that. He did not think the cinema would add to the welfare of Borth; the place would be better without one.- Mr. D. L. Jones supported. Mr. C. M. Williams, Aberystwyth, moving that the application be granted. said that his experience at Aberystwyth was that the cinemas had been the means of keeping a large number of men from the public-houses. Several residents of Borth thought it would be of considerable advantage for the people to have a little entertainment there. They must not take a narrow-minded view of the matter. He was as opposed to the drink traffic as anyone but this building was entirely outside licensed premises. Rev. T. Arthur Thomas. Llandyssul, referred to the influence of the cinemas, and said that only last week they read in the papers of cases of children summoned at Aberystwyth, in which one of the parents said before the magistrates that the children's downfall was entirely due to their visit to the cinemas (hear, hear). He was surprised to hear Mr. C. M. Williams, one of the magistrates, speaking now in favour of the cinema. Mr. C. M. William said the remarks of the parent was only an excuse to shield the boys. It was not the influence of the cinema. Rev. T. A. Thomas: Did not the magistrates ask them to give an undertaking that they would not visit a cinema again? Mr. Williams: I am not responsible for what they say. The Chief Consable said this building was an annex of the hotel-a part of a licensed building and of that there could be no question. Drink had been sold there and drink could be sold there now. To close the door from the building to the hotel would mean altering the character of licensed premises, and that could not be done without the sanction of the licensing justices. Mr. Arthur Hughes said there was no objection from those who knew the place, but there was objection from other villages. He held that structural alterations would not necessitate an appeal to the magistrates, as the alterations would not increase but lessen the facilities for drinking. The applicant would give an undertaking not to sell any drink in the room, and, in fact, he said that he could not do so as the room was not licensed. Mr. Percy Wilkinson, Crosswood: If it is licensed, I can go there and demand a drink. He asked for the Clerk's opinion whether he thought 'the room was licensed. The Clerk: It is a question of fact. The Chief Constable has reported that it is licensed. On a vote being taken 24 were in favour of granting the application, and 21 against.
Notes:Linked to Cambrian Hotel , Princess Street / Cambrian Terrace, Borth