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Collins Merry Mascots Minstrels at the Elysian Grove c. 1905

Source:       Date: before 1905
Copyright:       Type: Postcard
Description: The Elysian Grove was a very popular location for entertainment, Collins' Merry Mascots was just one of the attractions. They were in Aberystwyth most years from 1901-1908.

"ASSAULT-AT-ARMS. On Saturday evening there was an assault- at-arms by members of the Volunteers at the Elysian Grove, when the performances were very well done. The programme included cavalry sword, lance, and Indian club exercises, fencing, musical double maze, Indian Club solo (Sergt Chris Taylor), mop tournament, and fight for the cockade. The prizes for the two last-named were given by Mr W H Jones, ironmonger, Little Darkgate street. A selection of music was played by the band, and Mr Harry Collins' Merry Mascots gave their entertainment. " Aber Obs 4 Aug 1904

See also this advert for the Mascots from 1901

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Elysian Grove , Penglais, Aberystwyth