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Illicit malt seized
Source: Welshman 28/12/1855
Date: 1855
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:CARDIGAN. ILLICIT MALT. As is usually in this neighbourhood, the approach of winter season brings an increase of the smuggled malt business, and an additional inducement now arises from the high prices at which the licensed dealers retail their commodity. There is no doubt that illicit malting is greatly increasing notwithstanding the efforts of the officers. On Thursday last, Mr. Wallace, Officer of Inland Revenue, stationed in this town, with the assistance of other officers, seized about eight bushels of smuggled malt in a house occupied by Hannah Davies, Greenfield-street, Cardigan, of which possession was immediately taken, and legal proceedings will be forthwith commenced against her
Notes:Linked to Hannah Davies , Greenfield Street, Cardigan