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Dispute with sign painter

Source: Cambrian News 02/03/1877       Date: 1877
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

John Kain v. Joseph Neale. Mr. Edgar Atwood appeared for PIaintiff. -This was a claim of £ 3 7s. for the detention of a sign board, and goods sold and delivered. The board was delivered to defendant, a painter, in 1874, to have The Unicorn Inn painted upon it. The board had been returned after the issue of the summons, and the plaintiff claimed £ 1 because the sign, being an advertisement, was not put up over the Unicorn Inn last summer. He might have lost £20 or £2;) in consequence. The £2 7s. was for bread and cheese and refreshments. The day book was then handed in, and his Honour caused much laughter by reading the items, which were mostly "beer, whiskey, rum," &c. His Honour said the plaintiff could not recover for liquor, but there was an item, "pipe and tobacco," for which he could recover. After that came the significant words, "to get no more." (Laughter.) He wished those words were written at the commencement. Then there came the items, beer, beer," and afterwards the words "no more," this time written in pencil, as if it were doubtful. (Laughter.) Mr. W. H. Thomas hoped the bread supplied with the refreshments was sold by weight. Defendant admitted having had one or two glasses of beer, but he had had none off the premises, neither had he had any bread or cheese. It was then agreed, at his Honour's suggestion, for the defendant to settle his bill of 35s. for painting the sign, the plaintiff consenting to a nonsuit
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Unicorn , 2Alfred Place/16 Corporation Street (corner), Aberystwyth