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Death of Walter Jones
Source: Cambrian News 10/12/1915
Date: 1915
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Obituary of Walter Jones
Transcript:Death of Mr. Walter Jones.—On Friday morning the death occurred at the house of his mother in Queen-street of Mr. Walter Jones, late of the Blue Beli, Terrace-road, at the age of thirty-nine years. He had been suffering from consumption for about five years and was under the care of Dr. Harries. Mr Jones was the son of the late Mr. W. P. Jones (who for many years conducted a camera obscura on the Castle Grounds) and of Mrs. Jones, Queen-street. He served his time as a compositor at the Cambrian News" Offices where he was very popular, and after a training with the Volunteers at Aldershot, where he was made sergeant cook. returned to his trade as compositor in Birmingham, where he married Miss McCutcheon, by whom he had one son, now nine years of age. Returning to Aberystwyth, he was appointed steward of the Conservative Club in Little Darkgate street, a position he occupied for about two years, when he became tenant of the Blue Bell in Terrace-road, which he continued to occupy up to a few weeks before his death. For some years he was secretary of the Licensed Victuallers Association for Aberystwyth and district, as well as secretary of the Football Club. He was a quiet, inoffensive man, of genial disposition, and was liked and respected by all who had dealings with him. Interment was made at the Cemetery on Tuesday morning when the mourners were Mrs. Jones and Wally, widow and son; Mrs. Jones, mother; Mr. Harry McCutcheon, brother-in-law; Mrs. McCutcheon. and Mr Page. The Rev Richard Hughes, minister of the English Presbyterian Church in Bath-street, conducted the service at the house and at the graveside.
Notes:Linked to Aberystwyth Licensed Victuallers Association, [-] Blue Bell , Corporation Street / 52 Terrace Road corner, Aberystwyth Conservative Club , Eastgate, AberystwythTotal: 2