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Quarelling customers
Source: Cambrian News 11/01/1884
Date: 1884
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:Charge of Assault. Ann Lewis, saddler's wife, Spring Gardens, was charged by Mary Smith, of the same locality, with having assaulted complainant on the 5th January.—Mr J. H. Ravenhill appeared for the defendant. — Complainant said she went to the tap for water when she heard defendant say to John Jones something about her (complainant) living with a man without being married to him. She afterwards came out, called the complainant vile names, took hold of her by the shoulders, and afterwards by the hair of her head. Thomas Hearn came up and separated them.—Cross- examined She first saw defendant at the Black Horse and had three bottles of ginger beer. She kept house for her father, and there was a lodger, but she was not intimate with him. She did not threaten to knock defendant's brains out. John Jones was present during a portion of the assault.—Thomas Hearn, Spring Gardens, said he saw the parties out-side John Tailor's door. "Ann had hold of she by the head, and I loosed 'em." He asked defendant why she called complainant a bad name, and said that he lived with complainant without being married. He told her she would have to prove her words. and she said she could do so.—Cross- examined He was not intimate with complainant.— For the defence John Jones was called. He said that complainant called defendant vile names, told her to come out, and said she would kill her. She had a stone and a brick in her hand. When Thomas Hearn took hold of complainant, he shook the stones out of her hands. He told defendant to mind or her brains would be knocked out, when she ran and caught hold of complainant, and a scuffle occurred. Her intended sweetheart, as her father called him, then came up and shook the stones out of her hand. He (witness) threatened to throw a kettle of scalding water over complainant if she came to his house again and take his daughter to the Black Horse.—Charles Chamberlain, sailor, said he heard that there was a row, and on going there saw complainant go towards Ann Lewis with a brick in her hand. Ann Lewis, the defendant, did not say a word.Mr Ravenhill, addressing the Bench, said it arose from that unfortunate weapon, a woman's tongue, which the complainant knew so well how to use. He suggested that the parties should be bound over to keep the peace.—The Bench said it was deplorable that neighbours could not live in peace. Both complainant and defendant would have to be bound over in £ 5 each to keep the peace.
Notes:Linked to Black Horse, , Bridge Street, Aberystwyth