The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Accidental death of waggoner's son
Source: Welsh Newspapers online
Date: 1871
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Report on the Cambrian News and Merionethshire Standard 25th August 1871
Transcript:A SAD ACCIDENT. On Tuesday, while a little boy, son of the waggoner in the service of Mr David Morgan, of Glancledan Brewery, Llanon, near Aberayron, was eating fruit in the garden near the house, a piece stuck in his throat, and before a medical man could arrive, death ensued in consequence. Great sympathy towards the family is manifested in that neighbourhood
Notes:Linked to Felinfor Brewery , Heol y Mor, Llanon, Llanon Llanon/Llan-non, Llannon Morgan, David [3 Feb 1814-8 Dec 1882]Total: 2