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Details of person: Roberts, David

Born: 1820       Died: 1908       Active from: Not known       Active to: Not known
Notes:Also known as David Roberts and Sons Ltd. and Messrs David Roberts and Sons.

Roberts brewery was established by David Roberts in 1844. He used spring water from two wells on the site and barley that he malted himself. There was a pumphouse behind Beehive Terrace with a 60 ft well that supplied water to the brewery. He continued in business until 1897 when his sons, George Fossett Roberts (later knighted), and Henry Roberts took over. They owned many of the public houses in the town. During the 1940s, the demand for beer by service men in training in Aberystwyth increased their profits so they were able to expand, and began to sell beer to other towns in Wales. The firm was taken over by Hancocks in May 1960, and soon after this brewing ceased, but bottling continued. In March, 1969, Hancocks was taken over by Bass Charrington: bottling ceased and new premises, opened in March 1974 were used just for the storage and distribution of drinks.


David Roberts, Trefechan (1837 list of those supplied with water by the Aberystwyth Corporation, dated 1851)

They owned or leased the following:

Blue Bell, Corporation Street / Terrace Road

Central Hotel, Terrace Road

Coach Builders Arms, Moor Street

Commercial Inn, Lewis Terrace

Fox Vaults, Thespian Street / North Parade

Lisburne Arms, Northgate

Terminus Hotel, Alexandra Road

and others

(Obituary of David Roberts in the Aberystwyth Observer 10 Dec. 1908; W.J. Lewis, Born on a Perilous Rock, (1980), pp. 104-5)

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Total: 1

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Guinness bottle filled by David Roberts



Label fro Guinness bottle



David Roberts bottle



Beer bottle, Roberts, Aberystwyth



Ale bottle with label 'Roberts' NO. 1 Brown Ale'



Beer bottle, Roberts, Aberystwyth



Large beer bottle (2 pints), Roberts, Aberystwyth
