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Details of person: Edwards, Catherine and Thomas

Born: Not known       Died: Not known       Active from: Not known       Active to: Not known
Notes:Catherine was formerly married to a Joseph Davies, of Smelting, Cardigan, who died, and left 7 children.

She then married Thomas Edwards, and kept the Wooden House, Llanbadarn and the White Swan

Interesting description of marital strife in the indecent assault article. It appears that by 1873 they were together and keeping the White Swan in Aberystwyth together - briefly.

Various charges for assault - both ways.


"Thomas Edwards, keeper of the White Swan, was given in charge by his wife for drunkenness, and using threatening language. Case dismissed." CN 30 May 1873

A week later he was in the workhouse. She was keeper of the White Swan.

One interesting side-issue. There are a couple of court reports that suggest Thomas was a bit of a copper's nark. He gave evidence against one neighbour for using his horses other than for agriculture, and on another occasion snitched on four neighbours for keeping dogs without a licence. In all cases he worked with Mr George Hickox, the inspector of Excise. e.g. CN 6 Aug 1870


"DEATHS. EDWARDS October 14, at the Union Workhouse. Aberystwyth, Thomas Edwards, aged 44. "

CN 22 Oct 1880

Pubs associated with this person
White Swan Inn , 3 St James's Square, Aberystwyth
Wooden House Inn , Aberystwyth, Llanbadarn Fawr (p)

Total: 1

Additional information


Alleged indecent assault

Date: 1870


Thomas Edwards in the workhouse

Date: 1873


Indecent assault - discharged

Date: 1870


Catherine does a runner

Date: 1873


Thomas sues Catherine

Date: 1873


Catherine assaults Thomas

Date: 1872


Sunday drinking at the White Swan

Date: 1871